PIC Awards - rewarding excellence, innovation and success
https://picawards.netIntengent is shortlisted for the prestigious PIC Award in the category Best Achievement in PIC Platform for development and commercialization of its flagship PIC technology – Taper-Assisted Vertical Integration (TAVI)
Compound Semiconductors International Conference (CS International 2019)
March 26th 2019, Brussels, Belgium www.cs-international.netIntengent's President and CEO Dr. Valery Tolstikhin will be giving an invited presentation entitled: "Fabless PICs in InP: Why, What, and How?"
6th Workshop on Photonic Integrated Circuits at Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC 2019)
March 6th 2019, San-Diego, CA, USA www.ofcconference.orgIntengent's President and CEO Dr. Valery Tolstikhin will be participating in the overview of photonic integration landscape with a presentation: “Regrowth-Free Taper-Assistant Vertical Integration (TAVI) Platform for Fabless PICs in InP”
Photonic Integration Week (PIW 2019)
January 14th 2019, Valencia, Spain piw.webs.upv.esIntengent's President and CEO Dr. Valery Tolstikhin will be giving a talk: “Fabless PICs in InP Based on Taper-Assisted Vertical Integration Platform”
Intengent has been profiled in the Compound Semiconductor magazine, in the article “Photonics ICs Prepped For Market” ()
Intengent, Global Communication Semiconductors (GCS), and VLC Photonics partner on one-stop fabless development services for InP PICs